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Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX AF 11-16 mm f/2.8

Manufacturer Tokina
Model AT-X 116 PRO DX AF 11-16 mm f/2.8
Lens style Wide angle zoom
Focal length 11 - 16 mm
Maximum aperture f/2.8
Angle of view 104 - 83 o
Closest focusing distance 0.3 m
Maximum magnification 1:11.6
Minimum aperture 22
Number of diaphragm blades 9
Auto focus type AF
Lens Construction 13 elements / 11 groups
Filter diameter 77 mm
Macro No
Available mounts Nikon F
Canon EF-S
Dimensions 89.2 x 84 mm
Weight 560 g
Additional information Announced: November 2007
Average rating (24 owners reviews)
Build quality
Optical quality
Value for money


4.75 Good
Owners reviews (24)
  1. Roger
    Roger 29 December 2015, 12:20
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 58.161.x.x
    Owner since: 5 years
    Price: $700
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: Lens is terrible when the background is bright and not even with the sun behind. It ruins photos of people and landscapes and is poor compared with canon lenses. The images look hazy. Needs better coating and flare control.

    Pros: Lens is quite fast and good for interiors as long as the back ground is not bright. It is quite sharp.

    Summary: Ok but not for landscapes or people if against a bright background . Tokina should do things like paint edges of lens elements to reduce flare as zeiss does.

  2. pooky
    pooky 27 December 2014, 20:42
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 211.31.x.x
    Owner since: 6 months
    Price: $525
    User profile: Professional

    Cons: small zoom range

    Pros: very sharp

    Summary: extremely good valeu for money

  3. mcvmjr
    mcvmjr 1 June 2014, 17:47
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 189.120.x.x
    Owner since: 3 years
    Price: 500
    User profile: Semipro

    Cons: None for my use

    Pros: Aperture 2.8, all metal, sharp. Easy to correct distortion.

    Summary: I love this lens

  4. Luloo
    Luloo 29 May 2014, 09:35
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 84.77.x.x
    Owner since: 1 month
    Price: 500€
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: A bit heavy after a few hours, a tad soft/blurry at 2.8

    Pros: Superb image quality, wide, wide, wide!! Used on a Nikon d7100 I'm chuffed to bits at the stunning quality of this lens.

    Summary: I must buy for anyone into landscapes, real estate etc, a bit of a steal at this price.

  5. Jan_c
    Jan_c 28 November 2013, 07:44
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 88.101.x.x
    Owner since: 3 months
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: The catastrophe backlight. Completely without contrast, a lot of flare. CA so large that it can not be removed even in the editor.

    Pros: sharpness, build quality

    Summary: I like to take pictures of landscapes with backlighting, so I sold it and bought a lens Canon 10-22. In addition to the build quality is for me in all aspects much better.

  6. Diorpus
    Diorpus 10 July 2013, 13:17
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 80.254.x.x
    Owner since: 3 months
    Price: $670
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: 11-16? nice! but I hope Tokina is to develop something like 16-35 for Full Frame.

    Pros: Bright! Build and Image quality is perfect!

    Summary: Great Landscapes!

  7. landman
    landman 22 November 2012, 00:37
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 80.239.x.x
    Owner since: 2 years
    Price: €625
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: severe over exposure at longer focal lengths ie 13 mm to 16 mm sent e mail to tokina and got on reply.

    Pros: very sharp fast lens

    Summary: great if you can just leave it on 11 mm but not if you use a longer focal length.

  8. Tor
    Tor 12 May 2012, 13:18
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 84.49.x.x
    Owner since: 1 year
    Price: 6000 nkr
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: Flare. I'd like it to have dust and water sealing.

    Pros: A delight to handle and work with. Very sharp. Nine blades which provides nice sunbeams.

    Summary: One of my favorite-lenses which never leaves the bag. A solid work-horse.

  9. Amateur666
    Amateur666 4 February 2012, 17:35
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 91.155.x.x
    Owner since: 2 years
    Price: around 400
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: Heavy. Only f/2.8 (f/2.0 would be nice indeed). Not max sharp at f/2.8.

    Pros: Built like a tank, produces sharp images at f/4 or beyond, fast AF, accurate AF, flare resistant, nice colour rendition as well.

    Summary: The best DX wideangle I have met.

  10. mcvmjr
    mcvmjr 18 December 2011, 17:34
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 187.37.x.x
    Owner since: 1 year
    Price: 600
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: None

    Pros: Fast, sharp, f/2.8

    Summary: Amazing for landscape.

  11. Simanta
    Simanta 16 December 2011, 06:29
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 117.198.x.x
    Owner since: 1 month
    Price: $679
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: limited zoom

    Pros: clutch mechanism

    Summary: I'm using it on a Nikon D7000; excellent sharpness & color rendition. can be a great lens for creative photography. can see crazy angles all the while. a fraction of an inch makes a vast difference in the output.

  12. Bojan
    Bojan 14 September 2011, 22:18
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 178.254.x.x
    Owner since: 6 months
    Price: 680 EUR
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: Limited zoom range; Sensitive to flare; One-touch Focus Clutch Mechanism (AF/MF ring), I prefer a button.

    Pros: f2,8; Excellent built quality; Excellent sharpness; Constant aperture.

    Summary: Sharp, fast, well built, great for low light. A superb lens, I love it.

  13. Ian
    Ian 4 August 2011, 23:53
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 81.23.x.x
    Owner since: 1 month
    Price: 470 Pounds
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: No full time manual focus, slower AF

    Pros: Excellent sharpness! Constant Aperture! Very wide

    Summary: Amazing excellent lens

  14. AMN
    AMN 17 June 2011, 15:06
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 89.214.x.x
    Owner since: 2 years
    Price: 700
    User profile: Semipro

    Cons: The focus clutch mechanism

    Pros: Great IQ

    Summary: A superb lens at a bargain price

  15. Greytata
    Greytata 10 June 2011, 17:45
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 94.132.x.x
    Owner since: 6 months
    Price: 550 euros
    User profile: Professional

    Cons: Does not behave very well against light; focus mechanism a bit " old" .

    Pros: Sharpness, build quality

    Summary: All in all, a very well respectable lens, which produces great and sharp images in all focal lengths and apertures, although at f/2.8 is a bit soft on the edges at 11mm

  16. nbn
    nbn 4 June 2011, 09:41
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 188.4.x.x
    Owner since: 1 year
    Price: 545
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: a little bit heavy

    Pros: excellent in small places, really close, sharp, no distortortion (DX), very good when I use my sb800

    Summary: you can take sharp any small place I always have it with me

  17. clc_kristians
    clc_kristians 16 December 2010, 02:05
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 95.68.x.x
    Owner since: 2 years
    Price: 600$
    User profile: Semipro

    Cons: Switching AF/MF sometimes is painfully hard and takes necessity to focus again from 0; AF focus issues in low light with low end Canon DSLR; Flare issues in bright sun; Sometimes for fast action I really miss extra 4 mm at long end...

    Pros: Excellent built quality; f2,8!!!! on whole zoom range makes this piece unique; Incredibly sharp even wide open; Reliable work horse for low light action and tight spaces.

    Summary: I love this lens. Sharp, fast, well built. Great for low light action and tight urban spaces. Good for landscape work. Used also for shooting HD video with DSLR. Excellent results!

  18. MartinH
    MartinH 21 October 2010, 10:58
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 195.146.x.x
    Owner since: 1 year
    Price: 500 euro
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: none

    Pros: sharp wide open

    Summary: best value for money

  19. amlbuton
    amlbuton 23 July 2010, 16:15
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 115.164.x.x
    Owner since: 6 months
    Price: RM2280
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: Sensitive to flare, zoom range to short., AF/MF switch.

    Pros: Love the sharpness & contrast, max aperture f/2.8, good build construction, cheaper,

    Summary: Love this lens :)

  20. emsiesse
    emsiesse 19 July 2010, 14:17
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 86.193.x.x
    Owner since: 3 months
    User profile: Amateur

    Cons: AF/MF Ring ( I presonnaly prefer a button) Chromatic aberrations Weight

    Pros: Everything else very satisfying

    Summary: Et en plus il est beau !

  21. Brody
    Brody 14 July 2010, 08:23
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 97.73.x.x
    Owner since: 1 month
    User profile: Semipro

    Cons: Limited ziim range

    Pros: Overall sharpness - amazingly even at the edges! Pro build and handling At f2.8 it's the fastest lens in its class Contrast Comparatively little distortion (easily correctable) and few chromatic abrasions

    Summary: Simply an outstanding lens at a very good price!

  22. Alex Venom
    Alex Venom 2 March 2010, 15:51
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 161.24.x.x
    Owner since: 3 months
    Price: 600
    User profile: Semipro

    Cons: Small zoom range Flare A tiny bit soft at f/2.8, but completely acceptable Slow and noisy AF motor

    Pros: f/2.8 Very good sharpness Very good contrast Comes with a hood! (Canon 10-22 doesn't) Excellent build quality (almost "L" like) Intelligent AF/MF switch design Great bokeh

    Summary: Love this lens! It's wide.. it's fast.. it has 9 blades.. If you're OK with the zoom range, there's no better option than this. Get it and you'll love it too!

  23. Lechatmachine
    Lechatmachine 7 November 2009, 00:56
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 62.167.x.x
    Owner since: 1 year
    User profile: Semipro

    Cons: too sensible to flare. Short zoom range.

    Pros: Unique! This 2.8 zoom gives what others don't offer at this price: the very large angle with a good image quality. Build construction is very good and the AF is not a problem on such a lens.

    Summary: worth the price!

  24. drifit
    drifit 11 October 2009, 04:55
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Value for money


    IP 202.73.x.x
    Owner since: 3 months
    Price: USD700
    User profile: Semipro

    Cons: quite limited zoom range. zoom ring maybe too small for liking.

    Pros: great sharpness and contrast.

    Summary: quite expensive for micro motor AF lens. after reminding myself, paying half the price of Canon or Nikon made, it is acceptable. photo qualities are on par but able to take photographs in low lights. not so good performance at f/2.8, i do not see any drawback. the f/2.8 is for us to take photographs in low light, where as one cannot judge sharpness in that situation!

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