

A trip to Sigma lens factory in Aizu

1 April 2019
Robert Olech

7. Summary

A trip to Sigma lens factory in Aizu - Summary

Getting acquainted with the history of the company and old Sigma products was the last point of our trip. We could also see how many parts are needed to create one lens.

I have to admit the visit in Aizu factory was very impressive. I didn't realize the production of lenses is such a complex process. Sometimes in order to produce just one flat piece of metal you need to create a die which weighs several dozen kilograms and should be designed and checked for many hours before it can be used at all.

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I also didn't expect to find one big locksmith workshop in the factory – I was sure such parts are delivered by external suppliers. As it happens Sigma prefer making as many parts on their own as it is possible, controlling properly all production processes and the quality of components. Currently, they don't even think of moving the production to China, Vietnam or Thailand. They support local workforce market and sub-contractors while creating best quality final products.

I was also surprised by overwhelming cleanliness. Of course I don't think here about lenses assembly halls where you can enter only through dust-proof chambers wearing dust masks. I mean halls were really dirty jobs were going on, like metal processing and such - also in those places you could literally eat off the floor.

Already entering the main factory building we had to take our shoes off and put special slippers on. Then we had to change those slippers several times, depending on what part of the factory we were visiting.

Finally I would like to thank very much all Sigma Corporation employees involved in organizing that trip for me. It was a pleasure to spend several days in such a beautiful part of Japan, tasting some local food and getting to know better the uniqe but fascinating Japanese culture.

A trip to Sigma lens factory in Aizu - Summary

A trip to Sigma lens factory in Aizu - Summary

A trip to Sigma lens factory in Aizu - Summary

A trip to Sigma lens factory in Aizu - Summary

A trip to Sigma lens factory in Aizu - Summary

A trip to Sigma lens factory in Aizu - Summary

A trip to Sigma lens factory in Aizu - Summary

A trip to Sigma lens factory in Aizu - Summary

A trip to Sigma lens factory in Aizu - Summary

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