With such an aperture fastness and such an angle of view, as both of them require a huge front element and a complex optical system (with as many as 20 air-to-glass surfaces in the case of this lens) the performance against bright light must be a huge challenge. Photos below show distinct light artefacts and you can catch them even when the sun is far away from the frame. This is not a good piece of news. On the other hand, though, flares are not especially intensive and rarely they encompass the majority of the frame. To be honest in this category and with such wide angles of view we’ve witnessed quite often worse performances.
The Laowa 2.8/12, like hardly any other lens in this class of equipment, has a small, detachable, petal-type hood. We took photos below with that hood on and off but we have to admit it’s difficult to find any significant differences between those shots.
Pictures taken without the hood
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